Jt music cuphead rap
Jt music cuphead rap

The chorus of "Shepard of this Flock" is sung from Joseph Seed's point of view with his radical preaching.The third verse of "Don't Put Me In A Corner" is sung by the Blair Witch as she taunts her latest victim.The Arkham Knight's gonna take it from hereīy the end of the night, we'll have you shaking with fear The Caped Crusader sends a message: "Sorry. Gotham, say goodbye to Batman he had a real good ride! Used in the opening of "Fight Like Hell".Likes Older Men: Lara claims that she prefers Sully to Nate in their rap battle.Light Is Not Good: The Chosen Undead in "Undead Lullaby" has a dim opinion on the Lord of Sunlight, blaming him and the Age of Fire for the curse, and makes it clear that he will not rekindle the First Flame.

jt music cuphead rap

  • Lighter and Softer: The Big Band cover of "Can't Be Replaced" keeps to tune upbeat and swinging while keeping the same message as before.
  • jt music cuphead rap

    Bendy then starts to laugh maniacally as the music becomes slower and more distorted.

  • "Can't Be Erased" starts with simple and cheery music befitting a cartoon as Bendy sings.
  • The tune that was playing in the background dies down when 76 says he won't perform to "that hip-hop garbage".
  • In "Don't Make 'Em Like They Used to", Reaper challenges Soldier: 76 to a rap battle.
  • To be safe, know the game before you hear the song. Some songs (like the Assasin's Creed songs) focus more on impressions and show trailer footage (which may be inaccurate to the final product), whereas others (like the Portal and Link's Awakening songs) give out major plot points or even endings.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Kind of a roulette.
  • Not your goggles, love, the one that means you're dead. Sniper: And mind that little red dot on your forehead.
  • Disappeared Dad: In "Sombra vs Spy", Sombra responds to Spy's maternal insult by revealing that she (somehow) knows the Spy is Scout's long-lost father.
  • A good example of this change in mood can be seen in the different choruses for each song: The original song smugly proclaims "I don't want to set the world on fire! / I just want to start a flame in your heart! / I don't want to set the world on fire! / I only want to tear it apart!" However, the re-imagined version of the song instead somberly states "I don't want to set the world on fire / Just wanna start a flame in your heart / I don't want to set the world on fire / Can't help it if I tear it apart".
  • The re-imagined version of the song is far more overt about the Sole Survvior's inner turmoil and in general has a bleaker tone as the Sole Survivor ruminates over the Crapsack World they've woken up in.
  • On a similar note, the initial version of "Welcome to My Apocalypse" is mostly an epic Boastful Rap consisting of the Sole Survivor bragging about how they're tearing through the Commonwealth like a hot knife through soft butter with only a few hints towards their Stepford Smiler traits and Dark and Troubled Past.
  • The "Dirty Dish Remix" of the "Cuphead Rap" compared to the original.
  • You can use the box at the bottom of this page to leave a comment.Heavy: Thank Zarya, she makes you look intimidating! If you are happy with the information above, please share it to your friends. On the other side of the chart, there are lesser-known songs by Cup presented in our Roblox ID library, such as

    jt music cuphead rap

    Our library also contains a few other Cup songs, includes Is 4:13 minutes long and has been viewed about 55,596,813 views times. Alternatively, in case all of the Roblox codes above don't work for you, try doing a search on our site to find more codes for it.


    You can try the first code or the second one, it does not matter. If you see more than one Roblox code for a single song, don't worry, they are simply backups since Roblox can take down songs because of copyright issues. Cuphead Rap was ranked 6664 in our total library of 70.000+ Roblox ID.

    Jt music cuphead rap